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Public Council of Armenia Press Secretary Resigns

Ani Gasparyan, a member of Armenia’s Public Council who serves as its press secretary, says she and other Public Council members have filed their resignation papers.

"Dear colleagues, I thank you for the nearly eight years of cooperation and inform you that in November I submitted my resignation to the Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia. on December 30,” Gasparyan writes on her Facebook page.

Praising the work of the Public Council and its members, Gasparyan does not specify the reason for her resignation. Neither does she name the other Public Council members who have allegedly resigned. 

“We are grateful to the members of the Public Council, the prominent individuals involved in the council over the years, some of whom were also legends of the time. It was because of such intellectuals that a healthy atmosphere of respect and understanding, national, ideological thinking, and a vision for the future of our country and people had been created in the Public Council since its inception,” Gasparyan writes.

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