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GIJN Protests Being Listed as ‘Undesirable’ by Russia

In December 2023, the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) was added to a list of more than 100 organizations that have been flagged as “undesirable” by the Russian Ministry of Justice (archived version accessible outside of Russia is here).

Included among these flagged groups are investigative journalism centers, international organizations, human rights associations, and other nonprofit groups.

GIJN protests this listing. Russia has a distinguished tradition of independent, fact-based journalism. In times of war, opacity, corruption, human rights violations, and inequality, investigative journalism at the service of citizens around the world is more necessary than ever.

GIJN will continue sharing resources for investigative journalists from all regions in 14 languages — including Russian — and working towards advancing its core mission of supporting and strengthening investigative journalism around the world, with special attention to those from repressive regimes and marginalized communities.

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