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CEC Refutes Hovannisian Charge of Illegal Vote Result Review

Armenia’s Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has refuted claims made by Raffi Hovannisian that certain local election commissions are conducting a review of vote tallies without his knowledge.

Hovannisian had earlier called on the CEC to step in and put a halt to the process.

In a statement, the CEC says that only two electoral district committees (ED 2 and 3) are conducting such a review.

The CEC says that in E.D. 3, the vote results in only one polling precinct (33) were reviewed and that Hovannisian proxy Karen Vardanyan was present along with Daniel Ioannisyan, the president of the local precinct committee appointed by the Heritage Party

The CEC claims that Hovannisian filed papers requesting that precinct vote results be nullified and not that they be reviewed. The CEC says these will be processed in due course.

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