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Harutyun Hambardzumyan: "Our observers registered no cases of bribe giving"

Harutyun Hambardzumyan, director of the “The Choice is Yours” NGO told reporters that his organization’s observers registered no cases of bribe giving on election day.

“Without specific proof, we cannot state that such cases took place. It would be nonsense for us to state otherwise,” Hambardzumyan said.

He said that the February 18 presidential election, when compared to that in 2008, was better organized and there were fewer infractions.

Hambardzumyan argued that this might be due to the fact that the three major political forces did not participate, thus lessening the overall intensity of the election.

He argued that while the Heritage Party is today talking about election violations, the party only fielded election proxies at 40% of the polling precincts.

“If they had a shortage of proxies, how can Heritage know about any violations? They should have fielded more in order to safeguard their vote,” Hambardzumyan said.

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