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Graduate Wants to Debate Dean of Universite Francaise

Socrat Mkhitaryan, a graduate of the Universite Francaise in Armenia, has invited the school's dean, Mr. Navoyan, to a public debate on the issues the former student claims are troubling the school.

Mr. Mkhitaryan says the university faces a variety of systematic problems that include the lack of a concise business model and deficiencies in management.

Comments (3)

shaaaaaat lava arel , dranc hasnuma lriv pchacrel en fransiakan hamalsaran@
Աշոտ Սարգսյան
Սոկրատն իսկապես չափն անցել է
We have to support all kind of initiat for debating, especially in UFAR , we know the practices of Mr Navoyan, he is the Number one direct executive of this University after A.Baghdassaryan, the others are pupetts.... they can not change anything, I know that french embassy want to change this, and try to get more & more involved in UFAR policy..

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