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Hovannisan Meets with Head of EU Delegation to Armenia

Raffi Hovannisian today met with Trian Hristea, the Head of the EU Delegation in Armenia.

The two discussed the February 18 presidential election and the resulting political instability in Armenia due to the popular distrust of the official vote result.

Tomorrow, Hovannisian will meet with Norbert Lammert, the President of the German Bundestag now in Armenia on an official visit.

Today, Hovannisian’s campaign headquarters will file a petition with the Constitutional Court questioning the constitutionality of Article 18, Point 5, of the RA Electoral Code.

Point 5 reads:

After calling elections, candidates, political parties, alliances of political parties running in elections under the proportional electoral system may form election campaign offices. Election campaign offices may not be located in buildings occupied by state and local self-government bodies (except for cases where election campaign offices occupy an area not belonging to such bodies) as well as in buildings where electoral commissions are functioning. Signboards placed on election campaign offices shall not be regarded as print campaign materials within the meaning of this Code, if they do not contain direct appeals to vote for or against a candidate, political party (alliances of political parties), and if the number of such posters does not exceed the number of election precincts formed for the purpose of elections, and if the area that each poster (signboard) occupies does not exceed six square meters.

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