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Armen Davtyan

Food Poisoning Sends 27 Sisian Kindergarten Kids to Hospital

During a phone conversation with "Hetq", Sisian Medical Center Director Artyom Tadevosyan stated that the intestinal infections that sent 27 local kindergarten children to the hospital on September 5 was caused by food that have ingested. "Today, analyses prove beyond a shadow of doubt that food poisoning was the cause, but we haven’t been able to trace the source," stated Mr. Tadevosyan. According to information we possess, the food poisoning can be traced to either "dolma" (stuffed cabbage, etc) or to condensed milk that the children ate. Four of the kindergarten aged kids had experienced severe seizures. Luckily, the children have been stabilized. 12 kids are receiving medical attention at home. Director Tadevosyan assured us that the hospital is able to deal with the outbreak and that there is no need to send the kids to Yerevan for further care. "I would like to commend the hospital staff for working around the clock to make sure that opur children got the best care possible," Mr. Tadevosyan added. All 116 kids at the school were tested as well as 21 staff members. According to a directive issued by Lena Malintsyan, who heads the Hygienic Anti-infectious Disease Division of the Syunik Regional Administration, the kindergarten has been temporarily closed. Sisian Mayor Aghasi Hakobyan announced that those responsible would be severely punished for their incompetence.

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