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Arman Gharibyan

CEC's Zoya Tadevosyan - "They're busing in people to vote"

Zoya Tadevosyan, who serves on the Central Election Commission and is a member of the opposition Heritage Party, has told "Hetq" that as of 2:30 pm elections are proceeding normally except for polling stations 10/18 and 10/19. She claims that appears people are being bused into the station to cast ballots. "I just received a phone call from polling station 10/8 saying that reporters are being harassed. It seems that the proxy for candidate Ara Simonyan is calling up people from the premises and telling them to come and vote. This is against the law and is regarded as campaigning," stated Mrs. Tadevosyan. She claims that as of 12 this afternoon, 150 people had already cast their votes at the station. "When compared to other polling stations, this is an improbable number. In other words, they’ve either brought in people or have cast ballots for others."

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