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Arman Gharibyan

MP Alaverdyan - “Have you forgotten about the Armenians in Turkey?”

During a press interview today, Heritage Party MP Larisa Alaverdyan retorted, "And have you forgotten about the Armenians living in Turkey", this, in response to a statement by Republican Party MP Hovhannes Sahakyan, that if the Protocols aren’t ratified Armenian-Turkish relations will sour but that they won’t degenerate into aggression. MP Alaverdyan was referring to a statement made by Gorbachev, before the Armenian pogroms in Baku in 1990. "Gorbachev declared, ‘Have you forgotten about the 200,000 Armenians living in Baku?’. Now, I ask if you have forgotten about the tens of thousands of Armenians living in Turkey or about their businesses."

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