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Sona Avagyan

Paruir Hayrikyan: Coalition Pact Merely a Tool to Consolidate Political Power

Commenting on yesterday’s political coalition pact signed by all there members of Armenia’s ruling coalition government, Paruir Hayrikyan, President of the Union for National Self-Determination, said he sees no significance to the document other than a desire to consolidate power and rule the nation. Mr. Hayrikyan said the agreement to support the candidacy of ruling President Sargsyan in the next presidential election lacked any goals in terms of national and human rights. The former Soviet dissident said that the coalition pact needed to incorporate policies that would bring together all national forces concerned about the fate of Armenia to be considered beneficial to the people. "If a coalition is formed merely to decide who will be the president, then, those involved have to re-read the Constitution a bit. The president is nothing without a working parliamentary majority," said Hayrikyan. He added that coalitions are formed in cultured nations to advance a certain strategic agenda and that this isn’t the case in Armenia.

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