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Samvel Avagyan

Armenia's 12 Month Inflation Rate Pegged at 4.4%

Over the last twelve months consumer price inflation in Armenia was pegged at 4.4%.

Armenia’s National Statistical Service reports that April 2014 consumer prices rose by 0.5% over the preceding month, mostly due to a o.9% rise in foodstuffs (including tobacco and alcoholic beverages).

Non-foodstuff prices rose a mere 0.1% over the same period.

Dairy prices rose in price by 11.5% over the year (April 2013 to April 2013) and 2.1% from March to April 2014.

Vegetables and potatoes rose in price by 20.9% over the same yearly period and 5.4% from March to April 2014.

Fruit prices rose by 10.7% over the same yearly period and 1.8% from March to April 2014. 

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