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Armenian Students in Hungary Send Protest Letter to PM Viktor Orbán

Viktor Orbán
Prime Minister of Hungary
1357 Budapest, Pf. 6.

[email protected]

Dear Mr. Orbán:

We are writing this letter to express our greatest frustration and disappointment from the recent actions of Hungarian government resulted by the extradition of RamilSafarov(the Azerbaijani military officer served a life sentence, with no expression of either regret or remorse, for the premeditated axe murder of Armenian military officer GurgenMargaryan in his sleep during a NATO “Partnership for Peace” program in 2004) to Azerbaijan, where he was immediately pardoned by the President of the country and welcomed as a hero. 

Should we – a group of Armenian students and our friends from different countries, who have chosen Hungary among EU countries for further education– infer from your Government recent actions that extraditing a brutal murderer to a country, which willconsequently welcomehimas a hero, is considered to be among European values? Or should we conclude that the model of European morality is the indirect encouragement of new murders on the murder driven by ethnic hatred? While our stay in Hungary we are going to follow Hungarian laws, so we refer to you to get guarantees that our identity and our beliefs will be respected in this country. 

We look forward to your official response, which hopefully will not be as disappointing as the recent action of your government.


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