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“Metal Prince” Found in Violation of Several Environmental Codes During Last Inspection

28_09-shamlugh On October 5, 2009, “Hetq” ran a story entitled “Shamlough in Peril: “Metal Prince” Mining Operations Has Townsfolk Up In Arms”, detailing several violations committed by the company owned by American businessman Serob Ter-Poghosyan. Not only is the company operating an open pit mine, an eyesore in its own right, next to the cemetery near the town of Shamlough, but the company hasn’t paid any taxes to the local municipality in over a year.

“Hetq” followed up by sending a letter to the Environmental Inspectorate at the Ministry of Nature Protection, asking when Metal Prince had been last inspected. Today, we received a notice from the Inspectorate stating that the company had been last inspected during the period June 2-14, 2008. The notice also states that the company was found in violation of environmental codes dealing with water and air quality issues.

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