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Nikol Pashinyan's Lays Out 'Opposition Roadmap' for Armenia

MP Nikol Pashinyan today laid out ten step “institutional roadmap” for the political opposition in Armenia. The roadmap appeared on his Facebook page.

1 – Establish an institutional political structure (party) that will differ from previous parties by its internal democracy and competitiveness, collaborative management, and the absence of a supreme leader.

2- Inclusion of the best intellectual and civil potential.

3- Create comprehensive program for a future Armenia.

4- Form a shadow government.

5- Form three member teams based on the 1988 local election precincts.

6- Form observer units in the Diaspora that will monitor precinct voting on Election Day.

7- Participate in elections and garner confidence ballot of the people.

8 – Register confidence vote of the people de jure – via summarized reporting of elections or collate evidence regarding widespread ballot fraud.

9 – Achieve regime change by registering official ballot results and/or via a Velvet Revolution, and assume reins of power in Armenia.

10 – Begin implementation of program of a Future Armenia that has won the people’s vote of confidence.

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