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Armenia’s Police: ‘We were forced to maintain public order’

The Yerevan Police, in a statement released today, claimed that they had no other recourse but to disperse thousands of demonstrators who participated in a sit-in protesting a recently approved electricity rate hike.

The police say they the protestors ignored their calls to disperse and that they were forced to maintain public order.

Demonstrators marched from Liberty Square up Baghramyan Avenue to the Presidential Palace in order to make their grievances known to President Serzh Sargsyan.

The Police claim they negotiated with sit-in organizers and were willing to allow them to gather back in Liberty Square. They also claim that they told the protestors that Sargsyan was willing to listen to their demands.

The Police claim they took ‘preventative measures’ and attempted to use a minimum of force.

Regarding the several reporters also detained, the Police argue that they ‘became participants in the demonstration’ by not keeping a respectable distance from the protestors and for not heeding instructions of law enforcement not to impede their lawful actions. 

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