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Armenia's Human Rights Defender Gives Police Chief 3 Days to Respond Regarding 'Use of Excessive Force'

 In a statement released today, Armenia’s Human Rights Defender Karen Andreasyan says that he’s given a three day deadline to Police Chief Valery Gasparyan, Special Investigative Service Chief Vahram Shahinyan, and Minister of Health Armen Muradyan, to answer a number of questions regarding the forcible dispersal, detainment and use of excessive force of peaceful protestors, including reporters, earlier this morning in Yerevan.

Andreasyan writes that after reviewing videos circulated in the mass media it is apparent that members of the police used excessive force against some citizens peacefully participating in the protest.

The Human Rights Defender has written to Minister of Health Muradyan regarding reports that several injured protestors were not given adequate first aid. 

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