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Armenian PM Hosts Diasporan Investors

Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan today hosted Chairman of the AGBU Marseilles Chapter Patrick Malakian and Real Estate Investment Company President Remy Maginajian.

According to a government statement, the two guests presented Abrahamyan with an outline of extensive investment projects that will attract international brands to Armenia.

Comments (2)

I thought the Diaspora had realised that most of what is invested ends up in official's pockets? Isn't that why the US guy who gave money to build new roads in Armenia pulled out and vowed never to invest again? Obviously there are still a few who haven't twigged... suckers!
Mr. Prime Minister, first and the most, no MP including yourself should get involved into any business activities in Armenia. Those MP's chosen by people to serve people of Armenia only. After creating healthy environment with no corrupted internal trouble maker oligarchy MPs, then you will see how Armenia's economy system will be flourished, and you will be witnessed how many smart educated people will lead Armenia for a better place. Until then, your fake corrupt minded partnership with outside Armenians will bring more disastrous results for Armenian investors, and losers will be people of Armenia.

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