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Faulty Focus: Prime Minister Should Ask Why Foreign Carriers are Pulling Out of Armenia

It would appear that the shrinking number of foreign carriers serving Armenia has finally caught the government’s attention.

According to a statement released today, Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan has suggested that the country’s Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition sit down with the representatives of the economics ministry and the civil aviation department and review the state of Armenia’s air transport sector – including ticket prices, flight destinations and flight times.

Surprisingly, the government press release focused on flight times and cites Abrahamyan saying that flights arriving in the early morning hours are a bane for tourists since they have to wander around the city before the 2pm hotel check-in.

Perhaps, Abrahamyan should have been cited asking pointed questions as to why more and more foreign carriers are pulling out of Armenia.

Foreign tourists have less and less options as to where they can fly from to get to Yerevan, let alone what hour of the day they arrive.

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