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An Online International Magazine is Launched

InPerspective brings together international journalism on a single website. Reporters from all over the world write articles about socially relevant topics.

On August 12, 2015 the InPerspective.media team has launched the online, international magazine. Inperspective journalists hail from all over the world and publish articles, opinion pieces and feature stories with various thematic focuses.

What began as an idea developed by Berlin based Anieke Becker, Klara Bitzer and Hanne Bohmhammel in January, 2014, to create a website that would publish worldwide perspectives, has grown into a non-proft project with a founding team of 9 editors, programmers and webdesigners.

“The online magazine starts where the national media landscape reaches its limits,” says David Meidinger, co-founder and technical director. Journalists from countries such as Uzbekistan, South Africa, Switzerland and the Ivory Coast write about selected Issues and Regions. The core element of InPerspective is a world map allowing the visitor to click on articles of interest from all over the world.

The frst thematic focus of the magazine is migration. InPerspective will release a new topic every two months. Nevertheless, journalists can continually submit articles about previously released topics. The editorial team in coordination with the journalists and the users will decide on new topics. All issues refer to socially relevant developments.

The editors want to achieve a worldwide distribution of the articles. Therefore, every article is translated into as many languages as possible. In addition to the staff, journalists and translators, the regional coordinators, who serve as part of the editorial team, help to promote and implement InPerspective’s mission.

During the previous year the editorial team has connected with a number of journalists, translators and programmers and succeeded in building a worldwide network. So far everyone involved works on a voluntary basis. InPerspective‘s aim is to stay free of charge in order to assure the optimal distribution. The team is pursuing various channels of fundraising and greatly appreciates donations.

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