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Human Rights Office in Yerevan Hit with Paint: Anonymous Group Calls for "Bold Action'

A post, in Armenian, was published on a Facebook community page called Ananoun (Anonymous) showing a hooded individual throwing paint on the doors of the Human Rights Defender’s Office in Yerevan.

The text accompanying the photo reads in part:

Today, December 10, is marked in Armenia and the rest of the world as Human Rights Day.

We see, however, that the institution whose job it is to defend our rights, the Human Rights Defender, is powerless and unable to do so. It doesn’t have the tools or the independent power to execute that mission.

At the same time, we understand that the Eurocentric human rights system is not fully capable of defending the rights and interests of oppressed groups, either in Armenia or the rest of the world. In reality, it is tasked with covering up the inequality that exists between oppressed and privileged groups, while concurrently eternalizing the status quo.

No one will defend your rights better than you. Not the next paid Human Rights Defender, nor the good willed president, the political parties or even a hero.

It is vital that we accept the fact that the tactics of struggle, if confined to those the regime allows, are destined to fail. The casino always wins…

Be bold, be unpredictable. Hit the streets. 

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