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Shoushanik – Yerevan’s Optimistic Balloon Seller

By Ani Gevorgyan

Shoushanik Galoyan doesn’t plan anything elaborate to celebrate New Years – just a modest family dinner on the eve. There’s no money for a real party.

Galoyan, who usually sells herbs and veggies, has taken to selling balloons on the streets of Yerevan in the run-up to New Years. “I walked for ten kilometers and have made 300 drams,” says Shoushanik

Ms.Galoyan sells a bunch of balloons for 500 drams ($1.04)

She says her profit on each bunch is 100 drams.

“I was going from yard to yard selling veggies. Business was bad.”

“I’m following the same route. This time, I hope to sell balloons.”

“Once, kids would see me with the balloons and run to me. Now, they couldn’t care less.”

“I haven’t prepared anything for New Years. I haven’t bought my kids anything or anything for the table. We’ll have a modest dinner; some dolma and sweets.”

“We’ll have a modest dinner; some dolma and sweets.”“There’s no money for something bigger. If my guests are coming for what I have to offer, they shouldn’t come at all.”

“This time last year I was making 5,000 drams a day.

“I’m an optimist. I still hope to sell a few bunches of balloons today.”

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