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Dartmouth Professor Aprahamian Wins International Chemistry Award

Ivan Aprahamian, an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Dartmouth College, has won the prestigious Cram Lehn Pedersen (CLP) international chemistry prize.

“I am humbled and honored,” Aprahamian told Dartmouth Now. “This is the most important prize in the field of supramolecular chemistry for someone at my stage, career-wise. It is also an international recognition of the excellent research my group members have been doing the past eight years, and a testimony of their contribution to the advancement of the field.”

Aprahamian is best known for his work on molecular switches. “Among potential applications, we want to use our light-activated switches in fine-tuning the efficacy of anticancer drugs,” he says.

Aprahamian will be traveling to South Korea in July to give his award lecture at the 11th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry.

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