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Terrorists, Daredevils or Rebellion Leaders?

By Christian Garbis

I haven’t written about politics in years. I have totally lost interest since I’ve become convinced that despite occasional protests and noise, by and large Armenian society has no inclination to change the political system that is oppressing it. But a bunch of “daredevils” think they have the answer. A group called “Sasna Dzrer” (Daredevils of Sasoun) has taken control of a police headquarters and is holding four or so people hostage. They want the authorities to step down. They also want their war buddy and Founding Parliament opposition group leader Jirayr Sefilian, who had been charged with arms possession, freed from jail. In the process a police officer was killed and several others were wounded. This is supposed to be viewed as an act of bravery or desperation. I view it as an ill-conceived plot of idiocy.

These men do not represent me. They do not represent my sons who were born on Armenian soil. I didn’t move to Armenia to be represented by delinquents considering themselves martyrs or rebellion leaders or “the boys.” When you kill someone, wound others, and take hostages, in an attempt to free a buddy who has a known history of threatening to incite armed conflict to destabilize a governing regime and, as a result, the whole of society, then you’re a terrorist. Let’s not call these men anything else. I really don’t care that they’re Karabakh war veterans. Their actions are inexcusable and, dare I say, illegal.

Read full article HERE

Comments (1)

Hasmik Geghamyan
Well-said. I find this to be a very reactionary right-wing natonalist group. They don't represent me either.

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