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Armenian Bar Association Committee Calls for Humanitarian Release of Alex Yenikomshian

In connection with the ongoing civil disobedience and unrest in Yerevan, Alex Yenikomshian, an outspoken political activist and journalist, has been summarily arrested.  He is blind and physically disabled.

Mr. Yenikomshian's physical disabilities render him uniquely vulnerable to human rights violations while in detention.  Regardless of the reasons or pretexts for his detention, the physical conditions of the detention of a blind amputee constitute cruel, inhumane and even degrading treatment of the disabled dissident in violation of Armenia's domestic laws as well as its international obligations.  To be absolutely clear: even if the act of detention were lawful, the disabled activist must be afforded proper accommodations consistent with international standards concerning the humane and dignified treatment of disabled persons in custody.

Furthermore, from our perspective, Mr. Yenikomshian is entitled to the bare necessities of decency and to all of his human, civil, and Armenian rights.  He has been provided none of them, despite the fact that he remains all of them: human, civil, and Armenian.

Particularly disconcerting is the fact that government authorities have conceded that, with regard to Mr. Yenikomshian, they are confronting a matter of first impression.  By all accounts, the authorities appear to lack the most basic facilities necessary to properly accommodate Mr. Yenikomshian's disabilities.  Of course, while he is detained in the custody of Armenia's police, his safety is their legal responsibility.  That said, their abject inability to meet even the most rudimentary standards of accommodation for disabled detainees requires his prompt release.

The detention of Mr. Yenikomshian will be judged as yet another unsavory milestone in this policing authority's assault upon the civil and human rights of its citizens.  Clearly, the failure of restraint has become pervasive: policing authorities have employed disproportionate, and often entirely unjustified, use of force; they have carried out mass detentions and have organized group arrests.  But this detention surely will be one of their most egregious low points, as it has stripped Mr. Yenikomshian not only of his civil and human rights -- but of dignity itself.

It may be said that this vengeful-like ruthlessness should not even be reserved for the enemies of the Armenian Nation, let alone for the Homeland's brave and patriotic sons and daughters. Mr. Yenikomshian has been deprived of his liberty and shorn of his essence.  He deserves the immediate return of both.

Armenian Rights Watch Committee

Armenian Bar Association

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