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HayPost and RIA Money Transfer Award Monetary Prizes

As part of the joint campaign of HayPost (the National Postal Operator of Armenia), and RIA Money Transfer, (the third largest money transfer system of the world), diplomas and monetary prizes were awarded on September 6 to a  customer selected at the drawing and the employee of HayPost who serviced the largest quantity of transactions through the RIA system in August.

The campaign will last till the end of the year. Every Haypost customer sending or receiving transfers by RIA system will get the possibility to take part in the draw of 100 US dollars raffled every month.

Ria Money Transfer system lets customers receive money transfers from relatives and friends abroad within a few minutes. The customers of HayPost can also transfer money through the whole worldwide network of RIA, consisting of 150 countries with more than 310.000 offices.

“Haypost” CJSC



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