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Caveat Emptor: Avoid Buying Meat at Yerevan’s G.U.M. Market

A Yerevan food health centerreports that 80% of the stalls in the G.U.M market (located on Khorenatsi Street near the Tashir commercial center) are operating in conditions that are far from sanitary.

This is the conclusion reached by the Food Chain Risk Assessment Center (FCRAC), a part of the National Academy of Sciences.

The FCRAC inspected more than 50 stalls at the G.U.M. market this month and found a host of health and safety violations.

Meat and meat products are being transported to the market in unsanitary vehicles and then stored without proper refrigeration – even at stalls that have refrigeration in many cases.

Carcasses and offal are often discarded improperly as well – often on the sidewalk.

The FCRAC says that conditions are getting worse, not better, at the market.

Comments (1)

Ok - but where to buy the meat ideally? This article does omit that important part of the equation.

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