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Armenia: Local Elections Today in 373 Communities

Armenia’s citizens go to the polls today to choose local leaders in 373 communities spread throughout six of the country’s provinces.

Elections will be held in Gyumri and Vanadzor; respectively Armenia’s second and third largest towns.

The breakdown of elections by province is: Lori (88 communities); Shirak (73); Gegharkunik and Kotayk (64 each); Syunik (60); and Vayots Dzor (24).

83 communities will be voting for municipal council seats and 36, just for the post of mayor. The rest will be voting for both.

3% of the candidates running for mayor are women and 11% for municipal council seats.

Twenty local NGOs will have representatives as election observers.

Hetq correspondents will cover a number of community elections.

On September 18, local elections were held in 317 communities in the provinces of Aragatzotn, Armavir, Ararat, Syunik and Tavoush.

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