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Armenian President: "This government can achieve what all others failed to do"

Before today’s government cabinet session commenced, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan addressed the newly appointed prime minister and ministers and declared that he had full confidence that the new government is capable of achieving everything that all past governments failed to do.

Sargsyan told the newly formed government that it’s number one priority would be to raise the level of efficiency given that Armenia had no shortage of challenges to tackle.

“Of course, it is much easier to develop, to reach high economic results, when your surroundings are peaceful and when your neighbors and partner countries also experience economic growth,” Sargsyan said, adding that despite negative external factors in this regard, the government is obligated to do all it can and to usher in economic development.

Sargsyan said it was his conviction, based on international experience, that it is possible to better manage modest resources and nevertheless achieve positive results.

The president said he believed the Armenian public expected no less from the new government.

Referring to the change of the country’s government from a semi-presidential to a parliamentary system, Sargsyan said that not only would the model of governance change, but that it would resolve the problem of the lack of collective thinking and attitude in Armenia.

“Perhaps people do not fully comprehend the scale of change that will take place in our reality due to the constitutional reforms and the new government model. It falls upon you to become the leader of this transitional period,” Sargsyan said, adding that the new government must take the lead in this effort and that the entire state apparatus would assist.

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