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65 Individuals Face Charges for Armed Seizure of Yerevan Police Building in July

Armenia’s Special Investigative Service (SIS) announces that in addition to the 31 armed individuals originally charged with seizing a Yerevan police building this past July, another two individuals carrying automatic weapons left the building but were later identified and apprehended.

The SIS reports that 62 individuals have been included in the preliminary investigation of the criminal case.

Of these, 44 are in pre-trial detention, 13 have signed affidavits not to flee, 3 are on bail, and 2 are being sought.

The SIS also claims that it has amassed sufficient evidence that Jirayr Sefilyan and his associates had obtained illegal arms and were planning to foment public disorder on April 24, 2015.

The above individuals are charged with Article 219 (Occupation of buildings, facilities, means of transportation or communication) and 235 (Illegal procurement, transportation or carrying of weapons, ammunition, explosives or explosive devices) of Armenia’s Criminal Code.

Comments (1)

Armenia should temporarily bring back capital punishment to execute these subhuman enemies of the state. An Azeri soldier who shot Armenians on duty is more honorable than these terrorist pricks.

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