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Armenia’s Prime Minister Seeks to Boost IT; Meets with Sector Reps

Convinced that the IT sector is a major economic driving force, Armenian Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan told IT company representatives that he wanted to hear their views on education reforms and the training of future sector specialists.

Karapetyan, at a special meeting held yesterday with ministers, told those in attendance that the government is going to establish an investment fund, which will provide a mechanism to assist businesses, including the field of information and telecommunication technologies.

The prime minister asked about the results of joint programs implemented with the government regarding the development of Armenia’s IT sector. 

 “I need a program to turn the world upside-down. What changes should we make so that your industry, your business and the market could develop in addition to specific programs? What is preventing you? I need to realize your policies in terms of both specialist training and increased GDP productivity,” Karapetyan said at the meeting

Karapetyan instructed the Minister of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies to work with IT sector representatives to generate clear synergies and develop targeted measures to offer specific proposals with practical results.

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