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Vahe Sarukhanyan

Egyptian Carriers Ferry Armenians to Sharm el-Sheikh for the Holidays

Three Egyptian airlines – Air Cairo, AlMasria Universal Airlines, Nesma Airlines -  have started New Year holiday charter flights from Yerevan to the resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh.

Yesterday, Air Cairo was the first to fly the Sharm el-Sheikh-Yerevan-Sharm el-Sheikh route. The second flight was today. The company plans other flights on January 5 and 9.

An AlMasira flight arrived in Yerevan today. The company plans four more flights: this evening, tomorrow, January 7 and 8.

Nesma Airlines flew its first Hurghada-Yerevan-Sharm el-Sheikh flight today. Another flight is planned for January 7. This one will originate in Sharm el-Sheikh.

The local carrier, Armenia, plans two flights per day on December 31 and January 8.

The Egyptian resort towns of Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh have been attracting many tourists from Armenia in recent years. Peak travel times are summers, early autumn, and New Year’s.

Given that there are no scheduled flights from Armenia to Egypt, holiday goers have mainly traveled to Tbilisi to catch flights via Air Cairo.

Last year, due to the downing of a Russian plane on October 31 over the Sinai, many Armenians who had purchased tickets for Egypt were reimbursed. Nevertheless, understanding the popularity of their resorts in several countries, including Armenia, Egyptian carriers decided to satisfy the demand and organize direct flights from Yerevan.

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