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Man Arrested at Yerevan Airport for Smuggling Heroin from Istanbul

A citizen of Armenia flying from Istanbul was caught carrying a “large amount of heroin and methamphetamine type substances” at Yerevan’s Zvartnots Airport on January 3 when his bags were checked at customs, the National Security Service (NSS) reports.

The NSS, in its communique, fails to specify the amount of the drugs uncovered.

The individual was arrested and charged with narcotics trafficking. 

Comments (2)

How comes that the Turkish authorities in Istanbul airport did allow this happen? A lot of things are suspicious , when large amount of drug/heron reaches so easily from neighboring countries to Yerevan, than in this case the security forces in such neighboring countries seems not to be interested to stop such individuals at all !
Istanbul - yerevan flights should be canceled. we don't need turks poluting our society. They can gladly go to europe, there is plenty of takers there. hint: merkel and company

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