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Solider Was Bullied Into Committing Suicide, Says Armenia's Investigative Committee

The General Military Prosecutor’s Department of Armenia’s Investigative Committee today announced that it had gathered sufficient evidence to charge a fellow soldier with bullying Shavarsh Galstyan into committing suicide.

The body of Shavarsh Galstyan, a private in Armenia’s army, was found early on January 25 at military base.

Armenia’s Investigative Committee (IC) reports that the soldier’s body had a gunshot wound to the chin.

The IC says a subsequent investigation has led to charges of  “A breach of relations, prescribed by field manuals, between servicemen not subordinated to each other, expressed in humiliation of the person’s honor and self-esteem, persecution or violence” (Criminal Code Article 359, point 1) to be levied against the other soldier in Galstyan’s unit.

The IC, in its statement, does not name the accused soldier.

The IC says the soldier basically bullied Galstayan and intimidated him by forcing him to prepare tea and coffee, to wash dirty dishes, as well as verbally insulting his dignity.

The preliminary investigation into the matter continues and a forensic examination has been scheduled.

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