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Sochi Armenians Welcome Pashinyan; Prime Minister Announces Grand Repatriation Program

After touching down today at Sochi Airport, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited the St. Sargis Armenian Apostolic Church where he was welcomed by Bishop Movses Movsisyan, Primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church’s Southern Russian Diocese, and a number of local community representatives.

The prime minister’s website reports that Pashinyan told the crowd of Armenians gathered at the church that the government was preparing a repatriation program, urging all to return to the homeland.

“Our aim is to concentrate the physical, financial, economic and spiritual potential of the Armenian nation in Armenia, and to ensure its security and normal development,” Pashinyan said, calling on Russian-Armenian entrepreneurs to invest in Armenia and create jobs.

The prime minister said that his government would protect all business ventures in Armenia.

Pashinyan said that he saw many faces in the crowd who he saw in Yerevan’s Republic Square during the height of the anti-government protests

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