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Pashinyan Meets Former PM Tigran Sargsyan in Sochi

The website of the prime ministers reports that in the framework of the Eurasian Supreme Council session, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan met with Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EAEC) Tigran Sargsyan today in Sochi.

The interlocutors discussed the agenda of the upcoming summit of the Eurasian Economic Union. They looked at other issues related to the further development of interactions within the framework of the EAEU and the expansion of relationships between Member States.

Sargsyan is a former Armenian prime minister, serving from 2008-2014. He's served as EAEC chairman since 2016.

Comments (1)

Robert Davidian
Tigran Sargsyan is one of Armenia's biggest corrupt thieves in history, and is still freely holding onto those Million$$. It should be among a long list of Armenia's stolen assets to be recovered soon. And Tigran Sargsyan should be among a long list of corrupt criminals to be prosecuted, sentenced and jailed soon.

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