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Armenian President Hosts Singer Rosy Armen

Armenian President Armen Sarkissian, in Yerevan yesterday, hosted the famous French-Armenian singer Rosy Armen.

Sarkissian, according to an Armenian government press release, noted that the singer often visits Armenia, where she is loved, and her art is admired.

“In the past, relations between Armenia and the diaspora were established by   individuals like you. Your songs are close to the people’s hearts, and your visits and those of other talented Armenians to Armenia area great event,” Sarkissian said.

“Armenia has in every country not one but many ambassadors because each Armenian is the ambassador of our country and our people. We are one nation, and together we can do a lot,”  Sarkissian said. 

Rosy Armen noted that Armenians all over the world want to see Armenia a strong and prosperous country. She talked about her forthcoming projects and spoke about the importance of presenting Armenian art and culture to the world. 

President Sarkissian spoke also about his initiative of organizing concerts, exhibition, and other cultural events at the Presidential Palace and expressed readiness to organize a performance of Armen’s.

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