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European Union and Six Eastern Partner Countries Set Environmental Targets and Action Plans

The following is a  European Union Delegation to Armenia press release.

On 27-28 June, the European Union, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine meet to define priorities, targets, and specific actions to work together and further protect the environment and actively use opportunities for greener development. Under the EU-funded “European Union for Environment” (EU4Environment) programme, high-level representatives from Eastern Partner countries, European Union Member States, European Union institutions, international partners (OECD, UNECE, UN Environment, UNIDO, and the World Bank), took part in an inaugural event in Brussels.  

The event provided the opportunity for all partners to agree on country-specific work plans to improve and implement policies that can spur an environmentally friendly economic growth and enhance societies’ resilience and citizens’ well-being.

“Our cooperation on environment with the Eastern Partner countries is stronger than ever and is already bringing tangible benefits to the daily lives of citizens across the region. Together the EU and its six Eastern Partners are working to increase our joint ambition to tackle environmental protection and climate challenges. There is no time to lose. Today's meeting has brought all partner together to agree on the next steps forward,” said Katarína Mathernová, Deputy Director-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations at the European Commission.


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