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Pashinyan in Vietnam: Pays Respects at Hồ Chí Minh Masoleum

Armenian Prime Minster Nikol Pashinyan began his official visit to Vietnam today by paying his respects at a memorial for those who died in the name of Vietnam’s independence, as well as the Mausoleum of Hồ Chí Minh, founder of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Pashinyan, accompanied by his wife Anna Hakobyan, laid wreaths at the memorial and the mausoleum, according to an Armenian government press release.

The Prime Minister and Mrs. Anna Hakobyan then visited the Confucius Temple of Literature in Hanoi and familiarized  themselves with the exhibits and the temple’s background.  

The temple features the statues of the kings of Vietnam and the founders of the educational center.  

Later today, Pashinyan will meet with Prime Minister of Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Phuc.  The two are scheduled to hold a joint press conference afterwards.

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