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Pashinyan in Singapore: Meets with Temasek Holdings Foundation Representatives

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, currently in Singapore on a working visit, today met met with representatives of Temasek Holdings Foundation, led by investment group co-chair of Nagi Hamiyeh.

The Armenian government released the following statement on the meeting.

During the meeting, Nikol Pashinyan stated that the Armenian government is interested in discussing cooperation opportunities with the Temasek Holdings, given the latter’s productive activity in a number of sectors of the economy, including high technologies.

Pashinyan said the technological sector is one of priorities of the Armenian government as Armenia plans to build a technological economy the locomotive of which will be the IT field. He said since the Soviet times Armenia had a developed engineering system, currently engineering companies successfully operate in the country.

The Prime Minister advised that the IT field in Armenia has grown fivefold over the past 7 years. Pashinyan introduced the government’s actions aimed at fighting monopolies, corruption, adding that institutional reforms are being carried out in a number of directions. “We invite you to get acquainted with Armenia’s technological opportunities and activities of companies,” the Premier said.

Nagi Hamiyeh stated that there is a small, but organized Diaspora in Singapore the representatives of which successfully operate in different areas, including technological. The company representative added that Temasek Holdings is ready to discuss the cooperation and investment opportunities with the Armenian government, including in the field of engineering education. The co-chair of the investment group introduced the foundation’s activities in Singapore, China, US and India.

The parties discussed the prospects of creating a joint venture foundation, implementing startup programs, exchange of experience and technical cooperation.

The company representatives were invited to attend the 2019 World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) to take place in Yerevan in autumn. They accepted the invitation with pleasure. The sides agreed to continue the discussions in Yerevan.

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