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President Sarkissian at Doha Forum: Armenia Is a Small Nation with Global Outreach

Declaring that Armenia has created an educational and scientific system that it now exports to France, Germany and Great Britain, Armenian President Armen Sarkissian told guests attending the 2019 Doha Forum that Armenia is a small nation with great potential for development.

In his speech at the December 15 plenary session, President Sarkissian referred to the tendencies of global world development, adding that in today’s multipolar world small nations can build a solid future not on natural resources but on education, artificial intelligence, new data management and technologies.

“In our new world, our country also has an advantage. It is not only our millennia-old cultural heritage, but the fact that we value education, science and technology greatly.  We have succeeded, for example, in creating an educational and scientific system that we now export to developed countries such as France, Germany, and the UK,” Sarkissian said, adding that Armenia is a small nation with a global outreach due to the number of Armenians living outside the country.

"The number of Armenians living in the world exceeds the number of Armenians in Armenia by four to five times. They are survivors — people who can change their lifestyle according to the situation," Sarkissian said in his remarks on Sunday.

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