Armenian Entrepreneurs to Get Scholarships to Study in Silicon Valley
The Government of the Republic of Armenia and Draper University signed a MoU on September 25, 2019 which will contribute to a deeper integration of Armenia as a regional hub into Silicon Valley One of the few clauses is sending tech entrepreneurs from Armenia to Draper University so they get a better understanding of what in Silicon Valley is conducive for building a global company.
Startup founders and ecosystem builders with entrepreneurial experience and groundbreaking ideas are eligible to apply for the course until January 27. The applicants go through the regular application procedure of Draper University, afterwards HTI Ministry organizes the selection of Armenian entrepreneurs who will get government scholarships. There will be a selection committee organized by HTI Ministry, as well as few experts from Draper University will fly out to Armenia for participation in the selection. As a result, it is planned that 5 scholarships will be granted.
Draper University is located at the heart of Silicon Valley in downtown San Mateo with 1100 Alumni from 72 countries, 350+ startups created in the last 5 years and more than $62m is raised in venture capital; $110m in ICOs.
Students will be going through 5-weeks intensive entrepreneurial bootcamp and will stay additionally 2 weeks after the program on campus for post-program follow-ups. During the program students will participate in various activities shaping their entrepreneurial character and leadership skills as well as improving their understanding of market context and Silicon Valley culture. Becoming a student at Draper University, one joins the community of young entrepreneurs building amazing companies throughout the world. Students make great friendships with like minded mavericks from different countries on maybe even all continents. As well, as Draper University alumni become eligible for investments from DraperU ventures, a special 30-million dollar VC firm created to invest in Draper University alumni startups.
This initiative is a part of a bigger project run by AGBU Silicon Valley chapter about establishing a virtual bridge between Armenia and SIlicon Valley.
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