YSU v. Banadzev: Plaintiffs Change Demands
In the slander trial filed by Ara Gabuzyan, Head of Chair of Criminal Law of YSU Faculty of Law Ara Gabuzyan, against Banadzev Ltd. and Sirak Yeghiazaryan, the plaintiff modified his demands.
Grigor Belmezyan, the attorney representing co-plaintiffs Gabuzyan and the YSU Faculty Criminal Law, told the court that his clients are now demanding the following:
- Since Banadzev is no longer broadcast via H1 TV, the defendants should now verbally apologize to the Yerevan State University and Head of Chair of Criminal Law of YSU Faculty of Law Ara Gabuzyan.
- That the court’s verdict be published on the banadzev.com website.
The plaintiffs argue that an article entitled “Law-Breaking Lawyer” that appeared in the Banadzev website was defamatory and smeared the good name of the YSU’s Faculty of Criminal Law.
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