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Artsakh President: "We've Recaptured Several Positions"

Artsakh President Arayik Harutyunyan, in a Facebook post today, writes that the Artsakh Defense Army recaptured several positions it had lost to Azerbaijani forces.

Harutyunyan writes:

I am proud and thankful to our army and command staff fheir high fighting spirit and readiness.

I am proud and thankful to our people for the common sense shown during this period. Everything for the sake of the Homeland and the Front.

I am proud and thankful to our compatriots and the authorities of the Republic of Armenia for their unconditional support.

I am proud and thankful for the thousands of calls and words from our compatriots around the world.

I express my condolences and sympathies to the relatives of all our boys who died a heroic death.

I once again address you all with unconditional faith and a feeling of victory. It is impossible to defeat a nation that in hours turns into a solid and united army.

Victory will be ours

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