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Armenia: New Shipment of Humanitarian Aid Arrives Thanks to Armenian Communities in France and Germany

A new consignment of humanitarian aid has arrived in Armenia thanks to the French and German Affiliates of the Hayastan All Armenian Fund and the dedication of the Armenian Diaspora. The humanitarian aid, weighing 25 tons, is comprised mainly of medication and medical supplies.              

This humanitarian effort by the Armenian communities of France and Germany is yet another example of the Diaspora’s continued support to the homeland in its time of need.

This is the 3rd such shipment organized by the Hayastan All Armenian Fund. Earlier two special flights were coordinated by Armenia Fund Inc the Fund’s partner organization in the US, bringing more than 150 tons of humanitarian aid.

Additionally, Armenian-American doctors have arrived in Armenia to support their counterparts and alleviate some of the burden currently on the healthcare system. 

Hundreds of thousands of Armenians around the world continue to make a difference and donate to the Hayastan All Armenian Fund at www.himnadram.org

To date, more than $140,000,000 has been raised.


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