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Pashinyan Says Battlefield Defeats Not His Fault; He Inherited a Legacy of Corruption and Diplomatic Mistakes

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, in a video released today, said that while he assumed the responsibility for the failures in the recent war in Artsakh, representatives of past Armenian administrations are trying to blame his government for their mistakes.

Pashinyan said the blame game had reached a point where former Armenian President Robert Kocharyan, who took Nagorno Karabakh out of the negotiations format, is now accusing his government of reducing the Karabakh issue to a mere territorial dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Pashinyan said that over the last twenty-five years the international community more and more perceived the Karabakh issue as a territorial dispute and Armenia as an occupying force.

“This didn’t happen during the past two years. During the past two years there has been an attempt to get out of that cul-de-sac,” Pashinyan said.

He charged the person negotiating for Armenia during the 2000s as using the word “occupied” referring to the territories surrounding Nagorno Karabakh proper. Pashinyan then made a reference, for which he apologized in advance, to using the toilet in an airplane, saying that when you enter and lock the door behind you, the outside reads “occupied”.

Turning to the issue of ending the recent war, Pashinyan said it could only have been done by signing a document similar to the one he signed, with the leaders of Russia and Azerbaijan, on November 9.

He said he could have ended the war on the first day by signing such a document at declared as much at the National Assembly but that there was little support at the time.

“Now, by the way, it turns out that everyone was in favor of handing over the lands by the 5 + 2 formula. If you were in favor, we should have given back in 2016, in 2017, thus preventing the war and resolving the issue, especially after April War, since we knew what was going on,” Pashinyan said.

He said that Turkey got involved in the Karabakh issue due to the failed Armenian football diplomacy of 2007, when Ankara announced it would not establish relations with Armenia as long as the territories of Azerbaijan were occupied.

Referring to the deficiencies in the military, Pashinyan said his government had to resolve all the shortcomings, in equipment and manpower, within 2.5 years. He pointed an accusatory finger at past administrations and officials, saying millions were siphoned from the budget for personal aggrandizement.

“In two years, we had to buy everything that should have been bought and not bought in twenty years. OK, we did not buy what we did not buy twenty years ago in two years, but why didn’t you not buy it in the previous eighteen or twenty years? How is it that you considered building castles, buying islands, buying private houses in Europe, accumulating millions in Swiss banks more important than what we couldn’t buy in two and a half years.”

He said that in 2017 Armenia purchased air defense systems for US$42 million that never worked.

Referring to the military defeat, Pashinyan said that some are accusing him of making bad tactical decisions during the war.

“Now, I am personally responsible for the failures on the battlefield. Has the prime minister ever led a battle? Does the prime minister make decisions at the level of a platoon commander or even a regiment commander? Did the prime minister make decisions alone? The prime minister once made a sole decision during the war, and thanks to that decision, the 7th Defense District is in place, because some people wanted to hand over the 7th Defense District in a panic.”

Pashinyan asked if the nation will have the strength to admit that the reason for the military defeat failure was that Armenia has been a corrupt state for at least twenty- five years.

“In any case, the history of our past and our failures must be analyzed in detail. And it must happen without manipulation. And if we want it to happen effectively, it must take place in calm, peaceful, working conditions. This work will definitely be done, but real analysis is needed for calm, and today we are all in turmoil.”

Pashinyan said his government’s priority is the return of Armenian POWs and to identify and locate missing soldiers and civilians.

He talked about the resumption of the OSCE Minsk Group negotiation process, referring to the joint statement of the Foreign Ministers of Russia and France, and the US Deputy Secretary of State.

Turning to internal matters, Pashinyan reaffirmed that he will not be resigning any time soon.

He said that reforms are underway in Armenia to ensure that the people of Armenia remain in power.

“The purpose of all this is not for us or me to stay in power, but for the people to stay in power. What does this mean? This means that the citizens of Armenia have the opportunity to freely choose their government. Let me remind you that the only parliamentary election in the history of Armenia in which the results were not disputed by anyone was the 2018 parliamentary election. Some circles want to do everything possible to make the 2018 parliamentary election unique, the only one where the people made their own decisions. We will not allow this. The power of the people in Armenia cannot be questioned.”

Comments (6)

Yes the past Presidents are equality to blame. They were thieves and robbers and promoted emigration so they can more easily line their pockets. Traitors. All of them, Der-Petrossian - Kocharyan and Sargisyan.. Pashinyan is a loser as well. He changed the military structure, as soon as he got there. As leader its HIS JOB to assess the security situation and if he knew that Armenia was truly weak and defenseless then needed to approach this war differently. When the leader doesn't take responsibility we all lose with him, He needs to be removed as hes impotent and incapable of leading. His main objective now is the POW's? How about security for your country as its in disarray? As you give up more and more historical lands? What a loser. Further Armenia currently has 17 factions of government. What a bunch of tribal low self esteem idiots we are. We despise our fellow Armenian but love the useless Russian foreigner. Another recipe for future disaster. Armenia needs a unifying leader. Not an old Soviet dinosaur like old man Manugyan that they are currently trying to reinstall. Armenia needs major diaspora intervention. Change and growth will not happen from within. Its too broken. Its too dysfunctional. The military needs to be rebuilt ASAP and to potentials unexplored as a main starting point. This must come from the diaspora. Pashinyan needs to be removed..
After analyzing a month without judging people's opinions or siding any group or party, dear Mr. Pashinyan, losing 70% of Artsakh land is too stressful, mind-blowing for an ordinary Armenian living abroad or inside of Armenia. Please resign now.
Another factor was Russia. Russia let this war happen. It's easy to prove: Russia had the power and leverage (that is, threats) to stop the war on November 9. Therefore, Russia had that same power and leverage even before September 27. But Russia sat on its hands and watched NATO (in the form of Turkey's American-built F-16s and more) enter Azerbaijan. That's all we need to know. This does not absolve Armenians, but it does point to Russia's untrustworthiness as an ally. As for the absurd argument that Russia could not intervene earlier because it did not have the legal right to do so: Did Russia have the legal right to invade Ukraine? Did Russia have the legal right to take Abkhazia and South Ossetia away from Georgia? Since when does Russia care about legalities? To those who say Pashinyan offended Russia: Pashinyan's offenses were quite minor unless one considers that Putin is quite erratic and unpredictable. Was Russia happy with - as just one of many examples - Azerbaijan's massive energy ties with the Western powers in terms of pipelines that bypassed Russia? Azerbaijan is anti-Russian. Let's not kid ourselves, even if Russia has done so.
Tessa Hofmann
Corruption explains much, but not everything. Is the Aliyev regime of Azerbaijan less corrupt? Nevertheless, Azerbaijan has won its war. A person, even if he is prime minister or president of a state, is never responsible for everything. Society as a whole must ask itself what it has contributed to this development. What has or has not happened in 26 years since the cease-fire of 1994 that caused this development? Didn't the governments of Armenia and Azerbaijan want to prepare their populations for a peaceful solution in 2019? Didn't the talks in the OSCE's "Minsk Group" revolve around the military withdrawal from the seven Armenian-controlled districts around the former autonomous region of Nagorno-Karabakh? Was not the repatriation of the IDPs a permanent topic? Why did the first president of the Republic of Armenia expel Nagorno-Karabakh from the "Minsk Group" in the fall of 1997? And why did the society of Armenia trust that it would go on like this forever? The political decision-makers as well as the society of Armenia must now ask themselves first of all how things can and should continue. What must they do to end Turkey's military presence in the region? We cannot choose our neighbors. Nor will they disappear of their own accord (unless through genocide or expulsion). The alternative is to find a mode of coexistence.
George Boghozian
Pashinyan said that over the last twenty-five years the international community more and more perceived the Karabakh issue as a territorial dispute and Armenia as an occupying force. "During the past two years there has been an attempt to get out of that cul-de-sac,” Pashinyan said. Instead of being a man and admit his and his administration's failure, he tries to deceive people. Yes, for the last 25 years international community perceived Armenia as occupying force, however, his argument that his administration attempted to get out of that cul-de-sac is really ridiculous and disgusting. Maybe he got short-term amnesia and forgot his defense minister's hollow rhetoric "new territories in the event of new war" https://asbarez.com/178701/new-territories-in-the-event-of-new-war-says-defense-minister/ This was the best Christmas Gift to Turkish-Azerbaijani alliance to argue that if Armenia is unwilling to return our occupied territories, we are gonna get it back with force. And unfortunately they got that plus historic and strategic Shushi. If Pashinyan had a little dignity he should have resigned the moment after he announced the capitulation of Armenia and handing of Shushi to Azerbaijan.
Martin Chrispijn
This I have been telling mine Armenian wife for months. The Armenians have been betrayed by the processors of Pashinyan. Who have been robbing and stealing from the Armenian people. Those in favour to put them in power again, are the same thieves and truly betrayers of Armenia. From the first day Pashinyan inherited this toxic pill, called Nagorno-Karabach, Putin forced him eventually to swallow it. For sure this ends the reign of Pashinyan, but the Armenian people shall secure that all of the processors of Pashinyan will go and vanish as well

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