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Armenia Seeks International Help to Protect Artsakh Cultural Sites Under Azerbaijani Control

At a meeting today in Yerevan with United Nations Resident Coordinator in Armenia Shombi Sharp, Armenian Minister of Education and Science Vahram Dumanyan said that Armenia expects the support of international organizations, particularly the UN, in the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage under Azerbaijani control due to the war in 2020.

"These cultural and historical monuments are universal civilizational values ​​created by the Armenian people," Dumanyan said.

He also expressed hope that the UN Office in Armenia will continue to support the full realization of the right to education of children in the post-war period.

Sharp said his office would continue to support educational reform in Armenia.

“Education is one of the driving forces behind the building of human capital and the development of the country. We look forward to continuing to share best practices and support educational reform in Armenia. In particular, in the near future we will focus on the creation of temporary educational areas, we will support the inclusive access to quality education for children displaced from Nagorno Karabakh, who have taken refuge in Armenia,” said the U.N. official.

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