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Armenian HRD Calls on Pashinyan's Government to Protect Its Citizens

Armenian Human Rights Defender (HRD) Arman Tatoyan, in a statement released today, called on the Armenian government to fulfill its constitutional obligation to protect the security of its citizens.

"The Government of the Republic of Armenia is obliged to take active steps to guarantee the rights of the entire population of the Republic of Armenia," writes Tatoyan.

The HRD’s statement follows yesterday’s killing of an Armenian soldier along the border with Azerbaijan in Armenia’s Gegharkunik province.

The Armenian Ministry of Defense says the soldier was killed by Azerbaijani gunfire. Azerbaijani authorities say the Armenian soldier, Sergeant V. Khurshudyan, was killed in an accident.

Tatoyan also called on the international community to immediately take “decisive measures” to prevent Azerbaijani troops from committing future blatant illegal acts.

Tatoyan says that yesterday’s incident occurred when Azerbaijani troops, illegally positioned in Armenian territory, demanded that Armenian servicemen manning a border post in the area withdraw, provoking an exchange of gunfire.

Troops of the two countries have been locked in a tense standoff along sections of the border for the past two weeks.

Tatoyan says that Azerbaijani troops pose a real danger to Armenians living in the provinces of Gegharkunik and Syunik who use the border areas to graze their livestock.

The HRD accused Azerbaijani troops of provoking clashes in the border areas and raising tensions within the civilian population.

“The actions of the Azerbaijani armed forces should also be viewed in the context of the policy of hatred and hostility of the Azerbaijani authorities,” writes Tatoyan.

Tatoyan says his office will continue to send fact-based reports on the matter to relevant international bodies.



Comments (1)

George Pavlikian
The head of Armenian government is too busy to protect Russo-Turkish interests in Caucasus, and has become a signature machine for them. Nikolai Pashinoglu is a disgusting disgrace for Armenian people!

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