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Azerbaijani Troops Deliberately Setting Fires Near Yeraskh, Says Armenia Ombudsman

Armenian Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan reports that the Azerbaijani military servicemen are criminally deliberately setting fires to privately owned lands, and to adjacent areas, near Yeraskh, a village in Armenia's Ararat Province. 

Tatoyan wrote the following today.

Today, the Office of the Human Rights Defender received alarming-calls that the Azerbaijani Armed Forces started shootings in the immediate vicinity of, and in the direction of the RA Ararat province’s Yeraskh village using small and large caliber weapons. The village is located at a distance of around 1 km from Azerbaijani positions.

The shooting by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces grossly violate the rights of residents in Yeraskh and neighboring villages.

As a direct consequence of the fires, the residents of Yeraskh and neighboring villages are not able to conduct agricultural work. Moreover, the shootings and the fires set have destroyed the peace and normal life of people in Yeraskh especially.

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