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Criminal Cases Linked to Armenia's Military Defeat; Investigators Grill Artsakh President, Miltary Commanders

Armenia’s Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) today published a summary of criminal cases linked to last year’s military defeat of Armenian Armed Forces.

The PGO reports that various investigative and law enforcement agencies are currently investigating 2,000 criminal cases of possible violations of conscription/recruitment of soldiers involving bribery, the illegal acquisition/smuggling of arms and armaments intended for combat operations, the illegal sale/theft of military clothing, battlefield desertion, refusal to perform military orders, and draft dodging.

These agencies are also investigating cases involving the abuse of power or position by field commanders or officials during a military operation, abuse of power or overstepping of official authority, and cases of negligence/inaction by army commanders.

They are also investigating cases of money being extorted from the parents of servicemen who went missing or were captured during the war.

Armenia’s National Security Service has questioned some 150 individuals (including the President of the Republic of Artsakh, commanders of the Artsakh Defense Army, an adviser to the President of Artsakh, the Deputy Commander of the Artsakh Defense Army, the former Secretary of Artsakh’s Security Council), regarding military operations in the south of Artsakh and events leading to the capture of Shushi.

Based on the sufficient evidence obtained during the preliminary investigation of the above-mentioned criminal cases investigated in connection with cases of defense crimes and military crimes against Armenia during the war, more than 800 people have been registered as defendants, including high-ranking military officers of Armenia

A total of 48 criminal cases against 55 people have been sent to the courts.

Eight people were convicted in court cases.

The preliminary investigation of most criminal cases continues.

Top photo (from left): Former Artsakh Defense Army Commander Jalal Harutyunyan, Artsakh President Arayik Harutyunyan

Comments (1)

It will be near impossible to prosecute all the 10,000 odd Armenian military deserters but the process will no doubt be most amusing to the Azerbaijan audience.

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