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Seda Ghukasyan

Gambling Turnover in Armenia Hits $6.664 Million in2021

Bookmakers in Armenia transacted 3.2 trillion drams (US$6.664 million) of bets in 2021, this according to Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Babken Tunyan (photo).

Tunyan announced the volume of bets made last year today at a parliamentary session where a bill to ban bookmaking advertising is being debated.

“In order for you to understand this number, Armenia’s state budget’s revenues were 1.6 trillion-dram last year. This means that figure is twice as much as the budget’s revenues,” Tunyan said.

He said that the difference between the bets and wins is nearly 70 billion drams, meaning people lost 70 billion drams.

If the parliament passes the advertising ban, bookmakers will only be allowed to advertise on their official website, in casinos and establishments offering online games of chance.

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